"You, Lord, give true peace. You give peace to those who depend on you. You give peace to those who trust you. So, trust the Lord always. Trust the Lord because he is our Rock forever." (Isaiah 26:3)
Peace. What does it mean? What does it look like? Does it mean an absence of pain and trials? No. We are told that we can have peace regardless of our circumstances. If your circumstances are anything like mine, that sounds good. Because if I had to wait for my circumstances to get better in order to have peace, I would never have it.
Mary Sutherland says that "Peace is a calm confidence that the Lord of the mountains is still on the throne-no matter how deep the valley may be. Peace recognizes Jesus walking on the water as He calms the crashing waves and stills the howling winds in your life. Trials become opportunities to trust God when peace reigns in a heart. That kinds of peace can be found only in God."
So, this means that when things look bleak we are to look to God, surrendering everything to Him, and believing that He is in control. When it seems like our circumstances will never change, believe that God is not done with us. You don't know what He is doing behind the scenes that may take some time for Him to work out. Never give up hope. Even if our circumstances never change, we can claim in faith the peace He offers. It is the peace of knowing that God is in control and with us. Nothing, not even our circumstances can harm us. Our circumstances may be that we have a terminal disease that could claim our life. And even if that is God's plan, we know that we have a glorious destiny waiting for us. A place free of pain and suffering. A place where every tear will be wiped away. A place where we will experience love in complete fullness. A place where happiness and joy will never end.
We think we know what is best for us. But only God does. We can worry over the details of our life, creating a lot of stress. Or we can surrender it all to God's loving care, claiming His peace. The second sounds so much better to me. It is not easy though. Some days are easier than others to let go and claim God's peace. Don't expect results over night. Take it one day at a time, each day growing in your ability to let go and let God be God. And as you do you will be surprised at how peaceful you feel. Also, don't rely completely on your own abilities to trust God and claim His peace. Cry out to God to help you.
Let's Pray
Father, this valley seems so deep and so dark. By faith, I choose to trust You as my Shepherd. Father, when I am tired, please carry me. I cannot see what is ahead. Will You guide me? I am often discouraged and ready to quit. Will You be my strength? I love You and want to please You with my life. Empower me to be all You created me to be. In Jesus' name, amen.
(The above prayer and quote from Mary Sutherland came from the "Trusting God" book by Sharon Jaynes, Gwen Smith and Mary Sutherland.)
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